Government College of Engineering and Leather Technology is one of the pioneering Engineering College of our Country established by British Raj in the on 11th Day of March in the year 1919, just after the World War–I.
The historical perspective has been dealt in the History section of this web site. This Government Institute is under the administrative control of the Directorate of Technical education West Bengal and Department of Higher Education of the Government of West Bengal.
Since the inception its focus was on the teaching & research in Leather Technology & Footwear & Leather goods making, assistance to Industries and also to provide training and organize seminar/workshop to disseminate the knowledge to the stake holders.There was a gradual change in morphology of this college since 2000 when B. Tech course in Information Technology was offered by this Institute. In 2001 again another B. Tech Course in Computer Science & Engineering was offered. Keeping pace with horizontal expansion, in 2005 we looked into vertical expansion by introducing M. Tech programme in Leather Technology.

With such diversification, 55 new faculty positions were created by the Government of West Bengal in the Higher Education department. All the academic UG programmes & PG programmes are approved by AICTE and this college is affiliated now with the West Bengal University of Technology. There is now a unique balance of experienced and young faculty, whose academic qualification is as per AICTE norms. About 30% of the faculty members have Ph.D. degree and many more are already registered for Ph.D. and pursuing seriously in research. There is an extremely good academic atmosphere and the teachers are student friendly, sincere & dedicated. The entire teaching learning process and the development plan is student-centric. Many of the faculty members were exposed abroad to know of the latest state-of-art technology. Many faculty members are examiners of Ph.D. theses in various Indian Universities and also acts as expert members of various committees of the State Government & Union Government.
The college has a rich heritage of Research & Development. In past seven years 70 research papers were published in various peer reviewed International Journals, 130 in reputed Indian Journals and 128 papers in National/International proceedings. Based on the continual research activities this college has been registered as, “public funded research institute” by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) of the Government of India like IITs, NITs, IISc and state Universities and was exempted from Customs & Central Excise duties. This Institute was also recognized as, “college partly engaged in research” by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. This college is also registered under Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India and was granted export-import license.
The college has launched International collaboration with Government of Italy to develop Tanning Training & Service Centre (TTSC) at Bantala and two new laboratories were commissioned by the entire Italian instruments of International standard and expertise. The faculty & students were also trained by the Italian experts in India and in Italy. The new expansion in the form of TTSC at Bantala will be located amidst the hub of Integrated Leather Industries & IT hub to cater the needs of both the industries and to expose the learner targets of both LT, IT & CSE in real time Industrial projects. The Government of West Bengal is rendering all .. to establish the TTSC as a show window.